The first music video I'm going to analyse is 'Come into my world' by Kylie Minogue, this song was directed by Michael Gondry.
Saturday, 8 December 2012
Diversity of music videos
Michael Gondry and Chris Cunningham are both directors who make diverse types of music videos, these are types that usually go against the conventions that we expect to see in a stereotypical music video. Reason being for them doing this is so that their music videos look different to the rest that are out there in the industry, their videos stand out as after the audience watch it they remember it and then its promoted well and it stands out compared to the rest.
The first music video I'm going to analyse is 'Come into my world' by Kylie Minogue, this song was directed by Michael Gondry.
To start off with Kylie Minogue is a conventional artist of pop, she meets every convention to do with the genre pop, we see this through the whole of the song. Kylies appearence helps meet the conventions of a pop star. However this particular music video of her doesnt meet the conventions of a pop artists music video, the audience can see this through her appearence, particularly by what she is wearing and how the music video is set out and what it contains. Typical pop music video's have there typical conventions, they include being fun. They are usually soft and there just to enjoy, a lot of close ups are used so that the audience recognise the artist. There are plenty of other pop artists who follow the main conventions that I mentioned earlier are; Lady Gaga and Britney Spears. We see the conventions shown in Lady Gaga's Pokerface, where we see lots of close ups, not only this but also, its based around a party, its a feel good song that meets the conventions and attracts the audience. However in Kylie Minogues song, the main conventions arent shown, throughout Come into my world, Kylie is filmed walking around in the same long shot frame and this is repeated, leaving the audience feeling very bored. The location that has been chosen isnt a main convention that we see in pop music videos, usually pop videos are based around a party where as Kylie is based in a quiet street and is just walking around it is dull and boring. It doesnt give off a positive vibe, as in he background as the audience we see different scenarios one of them is a couple who are arguing and also another female is throwing a males clothes out of the window from the top floor. The lyrics could very much relate to the visuals, maybe Kylie is trying to describe an event in her life and that she is arguing with a romance that she has or has had in the past and letting the audienc know that her life is tough. I believe that Kylie Minogue is trying to show in her video that she is just an ordinary person, this is shown through when she is carrying around her dry cleaning around town.
I believe that Goodwins theory is shown through this particular music video, I think that it includes specifically intertextual references and relationship between the lyrics. The relationship between the lyrics and the visuals is shown when Kylie sings the lyrics 'Come into my world', this is about a male coming into her life and having a romance, she wants someone to come and change her life, this is shown by the visuals, as her daily routine is edited and repeated throughout the video, it shows that shes saying her life is the same day in and day out and its getting boring for her she wants a male to come into her life and change that part for her. Intertexual reference is also shown as Kylie portraying herself to be whats known as a 'normal' girl, and that she has a life like everyone else and still has to do the same things as others, for example when she picks up her dry cleaning.
I believe that the style of the music video are performance and concept based. We see the performance part of the video where Kylie sings into the camera, she starts to become normal around the camera whilst perfoming as the normal girl she is portraying walking around doing her chores. This is emphasised as the music video repeats Kylie completing daily tasks, its filmed in the way so that it looks as if she has a lot to do, but she copes well in it and wants someone else to 'come into her world' and help her out a bit, everythings going well for her but she just wants someone else there to share and embrace it with her.
In this music video Kylie is seen as a differnent artists and is represented in a completely different way in which we are usually used too. I think that the director has made Kylie act like this, in this music video on purpose so that it creates a clear contrast and it emphasises the fact that in this music video Kylie is boring, as in all of her other music videos she is fun and bubbly. However I do also think that Kylie wanted to try and do something different but, then realised this wasnt for her and isnt what she is an artist.
The second music video I'm going to analyse is 'Frozen' by Madonna, this song was directed by Chris Cunningham.
Madonna is a pop artist, as I said earlier the main conventions of a pop artist is to have a fun personality and to be bubbly, and to show this through their music videos and a lot of close ups of the artist being used. The audience who listen to pop artists are usually teenagers, so directors need to make sure that they are creating music videos that teenagers are going to watch and be interested. The locations that are usually used in pop artists music videos are party scenes at houses, in a club or on a beach e.g fun locations. I believe that in order for the record to sell and the target audience to enjoy the music video, they need to include scenes in which relate to teenagers. I think artists that do this well are Britney Spears and Justin Bieber. Unlike the artists I've just mentioned Madonna doesnt follow the conventions of a pop video. For this particular song Madonna chose to go against the conventions, we see this as the lighting is all dark she is dressed in a long black dress with extra long bits flowing in the wind, the song also has a sinister feel to it. The video connotes the idea of a gothic song, it gives off the vibe of being depressing. There is no relationship between the lyrics and the visuals, compared to what Madonna usually does this is the complete oppsosite and is challenging.
I do believe that it meets the conventions of a pop music video as it uses loads of close ups of her face and her body parts. However the close ups in this particular video portray Madonna as being evil and witch like.
I believe that Goodwins theory is shown in this video, some of the video has relationship between the visuals and the music and also the close ups are used.
I can see that the relationship between the music and the visuals are shown throughout the song, this is shown when Madonna is wearing a black cape and it is blowing around everywhere this goes well with the music as as the cape is blowing the pace picks up and the song becomes faster. Various close ups are also used when there is first of all a long shot shown and then, more Madonnas are edited in and a close up of hre face is shown, as she sings 'give yourself to me'. I do believe that Madonna wanted to create this music video to show that she is different, and that although her previous music videos are what people think and expect of her, she is showing her dark side, maybe she is trying to portray what she is really like.
The style of this music video is performance based, this is confirmed as Madonna is singing into the camera, you can tell that she is performing to it as she is aware that its there. Concept is also shown in the video as animals are used, dogs and birds, therefore these may represent something in the video. By Madonna going for a performance based video it allows her to show her true emotions and feelings compared to her usual music videos, I think she takes advantage of it here as the song is very deep and has a quirky vibe to it.
It is clear that Madonna has represented herself in a different way to what she usually does. However in a way she can get away with it as she is an artist that has a strong fan base and following, her taking this risk doesnt change a lot for her, as she still has her followers. Her appearence is completely different to what we usually see in this video she is dressed in black, her face is very pale and has been made to look like an evil and sinister character.
I believe that for the dance genre, in which I have chosen to make a music video around, I may be able to use part of Gondry and Cunninghams techniques.
The first music video I'm going to analyse is 'Come into my world' by Kylie Minogue, this song was directed by Michael Gondry.
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