Saturday, 8 December 2012


Close up.

When I start filming for my music video, I will be using a wide variety of different camera shots, the main shot that will be used in close up, as this is conventional for a performance based music video, which ours is partly. The close up helps the artist gain recognition from the audience, so that once they have finished watching the music video, they still remember what he looks like. Close ups are also one of the main conventions of a dance music video. The close up will also help show the expression on the artists face. The close up will also be used in the party scene of other people included in the music video, to show how much fun they are having rather than just of the artist to make it more interesting.

Point of view.
We will be using a point of view shot in our music video, as it gives the impression that your watching what someone else is physically doing and sees. The point of view shot lets the audience build a relationship with the artist as they feel as if they are seeing what the artist see's to they begin to come on there side. We will use this shot in the car, like the above shot so the audience feel like they are the artist in the drivers seat. This will also be used in the party scene the camera will move through a group of people, so that the audience think its actually the artist doing this action.

The panning shot will be used in the party scene, it will be used to emphasise how many people are actually at the party, to show that the artist is popular and has a lot of friends. it will slowly pann around the crowd.

1 comment:

  1. This post shows some understanding of planning techniques and this is because you have considered a range of camera shots that you wish to include within your music video.

    To develop this post you need to refer your ideas back to the concept of your music video to show how each camera shot will assist you in making a conventional music video
