Saturday, 8 December 2012

Choosing the magazine advert

First of all I will be analysing Carries Magazine adverts. Above is the first magazine advert that Carrie made, before adding the images into photoshop, I know that she edited the pictures before hand to brush them up a bit. I like the background as it connotes the idea of a rave with the strobe lights and the stars, it could also convey the idea of night time and partying through it. It is essential and good that Carrie added in the record companys name and logo for promotional reasons. Carrie added in a large picture of the artist which I think is a very good idea as it attracts the audience not only this but it makes the audience remember what he looks like for future references. Below the image she added in the artists name used in green, white, red and blue all of these colours are perfect for a dance genre, it stands out on the poster which is important as people need to remember it and as the poster is about him, it shows that. I think that the font of the name creates the idea of being in a club the strobe lights, this is done through the glow tool that I can see Carrie has used here. Below the artists name Carrie has written all of the information down included the single name which is at the top of the information but written in a different font and more spaced out which makes it stand out, so the audience can tell thats the single being promoted. Overall I think this design is really good for a dance magazine advert it reaches the target audience well.

Below is Carries second magazine advert, I can tell that she has gone for a completley different approach and design in all. I can see that the picture has been edited into black and white and a shadow has been used to creep up on the artist. The colour scheme has changed to the colours red and orange have been used which are both quite fiery colours, which could connote the artists determination and motivation to achieve. Carrie has included the same information on this second advert, but has improved massivley. Overall I prefer Carries second advert, although her first one was good I much prefer this one its simple and effective.

Below is Nicoles first magazine advert, I can see that the colour scheme is quite simple she has gone for a purple background which can go well with the genre dance due to it connoting luxury, it could show him living a glamorous lifestyle. 'MIKE SMITH' and the single 'STAY AWAKE' are both written in the same size font, I think it would have been better to keep the artists name larger. The image of the artist is effective as a white glow has been added around the image so that it stands out and almost looks 3D like. In the bottom right hand corner a website and the record label have been added in small detail but its effect and makes you concentrate on the important stuff. I like the way that when Nicole talks about the hit singles stay awake is written in capitals and emphasised.
Below is Nicoles second magazine advert, I can tell that Nicole has gone for the same colour scheme, however it is slightly different even though the background is the same colour, the font colour is different. Nicole has changed where the record label logo goes she decided to put it in the top right hand corner this time. Mike smith is in a different colour to the rest of the text which I think works well as there is a clear distinguisment between the two. Nicole has a chosen a different image this time round, however she stilll used the glow tool which works effectivley, to help the image stand out from the rest of the advert. Overall I prefer Nicoles second advert to her first mainly because I feel she has improved due to gaining new photo shop skills, also I like in the second one she has changed the colour between the name of the artist and the rest of the information.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in evaluating the two magazine adverts from Nicole and Carrie and you have considered some of their strengths and choices.

    Now you need to include your own designs and explain which advert your group will choose and why?
