Thursday 7 March 2013

planning editing styles

Before creating my music video I had to decide what editing styles I would be using in my music video as its what makes the video look professional, however I had to really think about where I would include them as it would affect how the artist is being represented and it could even effect the narrative and concept of the video. Choosing whether I would use slow paced editing or fast paced was a hard decision as it can create and portray different things. I decided to use slow paced editing for the part in the music video where the girl is laying on the floor she gets up turns around looks at the camera and starts laughing. I used fast paced editing when the girl goes to get in the car and shuts the door it shuts three times to the beat of the song. Other than this the type of editing styles I used are consistent throughout my music video.

I used a fast forward effect in the party scene when everyone is jumping about this helps the party be seen as being out of control and something that happens so quickly to be so damaging, so this is when the drugs are being taken and the underage drinking is taking place. I used the rewind effect as it helps the music video pick up pace and can excite the audience, as I mentioned earlier the re wind effect was used when the girl goes to get in the artists car and then rewinds to her going back to the house from where she came from, this creates the illusion of a flashback as then party scenes are showed there onwards. Overall editing styles are very important as they are what make your music video, however they have to be strongly considered as they can represent the wrong things, or represent something that wasn't intentional and doesn't relate to the target audience.

1 comment:

  1. You have included some examples of editing styles that you wish to include within your music video but you need to explain in further detail the purpose this has to your conventions.

    Also this post is a planning post and should of been writen before editing.
