Wednesday 6 March 2013

group magazine advert

When deciding which magazine advert we would be choosing as a group, I looked at them all and then we all decided that we would be choosing Carries magazine advert. We decided to choose Carries advert as it is the most conventonal to the genre of our music video which is dance.

Above is the chosen magazine advert to represent our artist. Carries advert had a black background, with orange writing stating the artists album, and the information on the hit singles. The artists name is written in a dark orange/ red colour, all of these colours connote desire, passion and determination, this is the way that we wanted the artist to be portrayed.

The artists image is in black and white, which can creates a sentimental effect and creates a soft image for the artist, which is what we are going for. He is put in a positive light as in the music video he doesnt conform to the underage drinking and drug taking. Also by using a black and white image and having the image shadowed to give the background a black colour helps the rest of the writing to stand out.

 Bold is used on the writing 'out now' to create emphasis on it so that the audience recognise that the album is out now and ready to buy. Written in red is the record labels name, its written in the same colour as the artists name which shows the importance of the record label as its put in the same category as the artist.


1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in explaining why you and your group decided on chosing the advert above. You have considered some of the stregths through the form of colours and images, but you also need to consider the other designs too.

    This will help to show further group planning and discussions
