Wednesday 28 November 2012

Analysis of magazine advert - Example

Our artist; Examples tour date poster advert gives a simple representation of the artist, the poster creates the image of Example being simple minded, and the simplicity helps show that he has a definite music genre. The connotations of this advert which is promoting the artists tour dates, is that example's face is half in a shadow and half in the light this could connote two sides to a person, but also his album is calling playing in the shadows, which the right hand side of the face connotes as half of his face is in the shadow. The black and white effect on Examples faces could connote the idea of day and night, and partyin all day through the night which, this reflects on his music genre which is dance. In the right top hand corner there is a banner placed horizontally across the page saying 'LEEDS DATE ADDED', this is placed in red so that it stands out as it is an important peice of information. Below the image of example there is his name written in black placed on a yellow rectangle background, the use of the colour yellow connotes ideas of happiness and long lasting. The black is used against the yellow so that his name stands across the rest of the page. Below Example's name, there is a peice of text saying 'WRETCH 32' this is the name of the artist in which will be supporting Example on his tour. Below all of this is the tour dates which are all written in yellow apart from the name of the venue's this is done on purpose so that the yellow stands out against the black background and anyone looking at it are instantly drawn to this section and then are persuaded to perhaps buy tickets. The colour red is used again in a rectangle box which at the top says 'EXTRA DATE ON SALE FRIDAY 4 NOVEMBER 9am' this is also done on purpose as I previously mentioned, red is used so that it stands out and the reader will know that this is important information.
This tour date magazine advert, connotes Example as a serious dance/R&B artist, this is shown with the colours;yellow, black and white. The yellow connotes his fun and happy side, however the black and white connote the idea that he is a serious artist about his music and that it does have meaning to it. The design and layout of the poster is simple and not confusing. It has an image at the top, followed by the artists name and then the tour dates. The choice of image is a black and white image where half of the artists face is in black and the other half back and white, as I previously mentioned this is done to represent the idea of day and night and partying through the day and night which represents and reflects the music genre he produces music for/into. When it comes down to typography there is a lot of text on this advert, this is due to it being for his tour dates so there needs to be a lot of information on there. The style of language is simple and easy to read due to the layout of the page and the colouring. This advert promotes the artist as it has his picture and name on there it promotes him as a dance act. It promotes the music genre as it has clear connotations throughout which reflect the dance music genre. This magazine advert attracts the target audience as it clearly looks like a dance music genres advert as even though there is little use of colour the things that should be seen for example his name are used in a bright yellow colour.

Looking at two magazine adverts including the artist Im using and the similar artist, has helped me massivley to prepare me for making my own one, and has given me a lot of ideas. Both of the magazine adverts include a main image of the artist, this is so that the audience know who the advert is based around. I now know that what you see on a magazine advert is very important as if everything looks all over the place, doesnt look professional and has the wrong colour text and font then its not going to attract anyone or the target audience. To finish off the main headings are also important as they have to be big enough and clear enough for the audience to see. From the research that I have made I have many inspiratons, starting with the way the magazien advert is layed out, I like the way that half of his facein black and the rest is in white, this inspires me as behind it has a deepful meaning I would like to create something like this in my own magazine advert for my own artist.

1 comment:

  1. The two magazine adverts that you have analysed shows a good understanding of the codes and conventions. You have considered the purpose of the colours well and also how the adverts represent the artist too.

    Within your summary, you need to start considering inspirations you have from the research that you have carried out
