Sunday, 14 October 2012

Analysis of music genres

Analysis of the music genre pop.

Music videos play a huge part when it comes down to creating a connection between the artist/band and the audience. Music videos are there so that the audience can see how the artist lives and the visuals can connect with the lyrics, so they can understand what the song is about. The music industry covers lots and lots of different music genres, every single genre has their own differens, for example rap usually contains; cars, sexy women, jewlerry and dance vidoes usually have a dance and party themed atmosphere.

Drake - Over.

Looking specifically at Drake whos music genre is rap, he has a target audience of males and females from the ages of 15-25. His music video Over portrays the way that Drake became famous so quickly and about him becoming more and more sucessful and what has changed during this time. The video starts with  a long shot of Drake, the long shot is used to show drake standing our from his surroundings; this is done so that we as the audience focus on him and so that we know that he is the main one in this video, it also shows how far he has come, it overviews how sucessful he has become and to also introduce him to the music video. The camera then zooms and becomes a close up whilst his body turns into a silhoutte with quick flashing images that resemble fire.The camera then eventually moves back to the long shot and we see behind him his bedroom setting change to a road this could represent his journey. The lighting then starts to change and it dims down around drake and then will suddenly brighten back up, this could represent the dramatic change that he has been through. Fast pace editing is used, we see this alot when the background changes, fast pace editing is used to keep the audience entertained, to build tension and to create excitment. The fast pace goes well with the timing of the song when the song gets quicker so does the editing, this makes everything run smoothly. After the fade out it shows that Drake is done with his past and is letting the audience know that he is moving forward with what it has done for him in his life and the music industry..

Throughout this music video various long shots are used of Drake to establish how much he has grown as an artist. Drake is put infront of a black background as he mimes his rap, this makes Drake again stand out and the audience can just focus on him as an artist and what he has to offer. When the shot goes back to the scene with Drake in his bedroom the fast pace editing in the background shows how quick everything changed for him. A long shot is shown of drake, standing on the left handisde of the camera to the right in the background is a faded white colour with sillouhutes of people rushing around, the effect is unfocused and blury. This connotes how quickly it has all gone from Drake and how he has gone to such an extreme in such little timing.
This video follows the generic conventions of a rap music video, towards the end a woman dressed provactivley is shown wearing gold. The colour gold can give off the vibe of being rich.
Flo rida - Club cant even handle me ft David Guetta.
Flo rida a music artist who specialises in dance music, he has a target audience of 15-25. Club cant even handle me is performance based, this is typical for a dance video mainly because it is a dance/party themed song. It shows clips from the movie step up 3 this is because the song was made around the film to be in it.
The music video starts off with a long shot which includes to glamourous cars parked outside a busy lively club, this instantly creates the party theme and makes it seem like it is the place to be. The way that the artists arrive by these expensive cars creates the idea of them having an expensive fun lifestyle. Another long shot is shown again from outside the club as David Guetta and Flo Rida both get out of their cars they both throw money up in the air, this creates the idea that they have so much money it doesnt matter to them. Throughout this video Flo Rida wears a big gold chain which is typical for these types of videos, the artists express the type of lifestyle that they live and that its all fun and glamourous and that they have lots of money. A close up is then used of Flo Rida when he begins to sing and dance to the camera, as the audience we are then reminded again of what lifestyle they have, it lets us know how much fun they are having with what they do. There is a contrast towards the end of the video, when the screen is split one side it shows the party and how fun it is, where as the other it shows an empty street, they both contradict eachother, this is put in the music video to show us as the audience how great what the artists (Flo Rida and David Guetta) are doing and the lyrics match the visuals ('the club cant even handle me right now'), this is shown in the video when people are breaking through the walls to get in the club.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of music videos shows some understanding of how music videos target an audience. You have made a start in analysing the micro elements, but you need to expand on the points that you are making in more detail. To do this you need to consider the role of the target audience and conventions in more detail.

    Also you still need to analyse a third music video and then apply the the summary points. Also aim to include still images and video links to support the points that you are making
