Sunday 14 October 2012

Analysis of a star

Analysis of a star.
Christina Auglairia started off in the music industry at a very young age, throughout her career she has sung pop songs, however her image has transformed from being innocent to provocative as she has got older. However even when starting from a young age she is seen as being innocent but at the same time as the audience we see the provocative side of her wanting to come out, this then happens later on in her career. Christina's target audience is 16-20 year old girls, however this changed when she started to get old and become a sex symbol to men. Therefore some of her target audience started to become males.

Genie in a bottle.
 Genie in a bottle is one of Christina's first music videos, it was released in 1999. The video is from when she was first even noticed in the music industry, she portrays the image of a young, sweet and innocent young lady. The video is mainly performanc due to there being dance scenes where Christina has a dance routine with backing dancers. It is also narrative based as she is telling a story on how she feels and is expressing her feelings towards someone. However it has a concept to it as well as she is miming the lyrics throughout the video as the lines 'Im a genie in a bottle baby' and 'gotta rub me the right way hunny' are repeated throughout the song. The concept is saying that she wants someone to let her out of the 'bottle' that she is and refers herself as the 'genie' that is stuck in the bottle, but she wants to find the right person. This can connote innocence. Christinas appearence in the video is innocent as she wears orange baggy combat bottoms with a white top which could represent her innocence. Also in another scene she is wearing white and pink, which could be seen as sterotypical for a young girl. The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist (this is from Andrew goodwins theory),  this is the most seen in this music video. Continuously throughout this music video there are close ups of Chrsitina Auglairia, this is especially because it was her first music video, and the record label wanted the audience to gain the recognition of her. Overall in Genie in a bottle the message is that if you want to be with her then you have to treat her right, and in a way she says that if you want to be with her then you need to please her in a certain way.

Dirty was one of her first biggest hits apart from Genie in a bottle, it was released on her first album Stripped. This video established the real change that the audience/media were starting to see in Christina Agularia. This video shows how Christian has grown up since Genie in a bottle and how she has changed from being a teenager to an adult. The genre of this song compared to Genie in a bottle is slightly different, Genie in a bottle was pop where as dirty has an RnB edge to it. As the audience we can really see from this music video the huge change that Christina has undergone. In her first music video we saw her in clothing that any girl of her age would usually wear, where as in this music video, Christina is wearing very minimal clothing. The video is mainly performanced based, and doesnt really have a concept or narrative towards it. This video shows the rebellious side to Christina as she is in a boxing ring having a fight with a girl, her whole appearence has changed, her hair has been highlighted she also has peircings on her face with darker make up. All of this shows that she has grown up and is no longer an innocent young girl anymore. Throughout the video Christina is also surrounded by half naked men, this can show that with age while shes growing up she is now interested in that. This video portrays Christina as being a sex symbol and gaining more of a wider target audience (males). The main point that I noticed from Goodwins theory was the relationship between the visuals and lyrics, and example is when Christina sings 'sweating till my clothes come off' she takes off her trousers and is changed into a mini skirt, slowly throughout the video she is wearing less clothing. This proves the change in her appearence and personality and song choice as well. Before in Genie in a bottle she was talking about how shes ready to come out and experience new things and in the music video dirty, she is exeriencing these things. Overall the message in Dirty is sexual, its about having a good time in a sexual manor.

Your body.
Christina Augaliria took a long break from her career, after marrying and having a child. After this is when she decided to make a comeback. Your body was released 2012, it is her latest song out at the moment. As she has got older and is now a woman, she still portays the image of being sexy and provactive but in a more classy way compared to her dirty music video. This connotes that she is a mature woman. The video is mainly performanced based as Christina mimes the song and dances throughout. This video shows Christina as a grown woman, still showing her young side but in a more of a mature and controlled way. Christina is still shown as the same artist however her song as gone back to the genre of which she first started which is Pop. The main point that I noticed from Goodwins theory was the relationship between the visuals and lyrics, and example of this is when Christina sings 'All I wanna do is love your body', she is sitting on a man in a car and touching him. The message of Your Body, is also quite sexual and has a lot of references to this. She is saying that she wants nothing more than a sexual relationship just lust.

Dyers star theory.

I believe that Dyers star theory relates to Christina Augelaria because it is clear that she has changed as an artist completely over the years, this backs up Dyers point that stars arent real people and that the are transformed during the people they work with. However now that Christina is older she has stuck to the same image and hasnt changed, this could be now that she is a mature woman. Christinas appearence changed on purpose, when she was at a young age it was important for her to appear as a innocent young woman, however when she began to get older they changed her gave her more revealing clothes, and a differnt type of song with sexual lyrics.



  1. You analysis of a star shows some understanding of how the music artist has changed and developed over time. You have made a start in analysing her music videos, but you need to relate your points to more detailed examples to support the points that you are making further. Also you need to include still images and videos to support the points that you are making too.

    To make this post more detailed you need to include:
    1) the target audience
    2) The messages and values that are portrayed in the music video
    3) Apply Dyer's star theory

  2. Your improved analysis of the music videos, does demonstrate a better understanding of the artist. However, the points that you have included on Dyer do not show any understanding of his theory. Refer back to the lesson to support you with this.
